digitalJ2’s Story
digitalJ2’s story started on New Year’s day in Florida. At the time, I was running an international deep-ocean exploration company. My son, Etienne (first name John), was planning on going to graduate school to get his MBA. On that day, we decided to head up to Tennesse to do some rock climbing. Now mind you, this is in the dead of winter. At the end of the first day of climbing a few pitches, we were walking back to the tent and Etienne informed me that he had decided not to go to graduate school. As a father, I was stunned. This was a goal he had been working hard on for quite some time. He went on to tell me that he had done the math on student loan debt and following graduation he would need to get a job to pay off that debt. He went on to tell me that he didn’t want a job he wanted a business. I immediately responded and told him, let’s start a business. Once we returned home to Florida, we sat down at the kitchen table and formed digitalJ2. We knew that the future was digital, and the J2 stands for the two John’s and the launch of a new business began.
I can’t be more thrilled about my decision. Since that time, we’ve built an outstanding team with the mission and passion for helping our customers grow and to make those who believed in us look brilliant. The future is bright, and our ability to fuel growth for the customers we serve continues to grow every day.